A Bible with an arrow over it, and a cross in the middle.

Bible Overview

Self Guided
Purchase for personal study

Apply as a Study Group

The reason the church and mission go together is because of the way the bible story is told. This course will walk you through the bible story and show you how the story of the Gospel was always meant to form communities of light who take that message to the world. Find your part in the story.

Following the themes of God’s people, in God’s place, under God’s rule, this course walks us through the bible as the story of God’s mission to redeem the world through his Son. Along the way you’ll find out why the church is so central to mission, and how to see everyday life through the gospel lens. This course is not only an introductory bible overview, it will cast a vision for mission in everyday life, through the local church.

“It wasn’t just learning what the bible says, it pushed me to apply it to my own situation and challenged me to look at familiar passages in a fresh way.”  Bible Overview learner.


Unit 1. Our Identity (creation)
Unit 2. Our Problem (fall and flood)
Unit 3. Our Solution Promised (Abraham)
Unit 4. Our Solution Pictured (exodus and Sinai)
Unit 5. Our Solution Prefigured (conquest and David)
Unit 6. Our Solution Predicted (exile and prophecy)
Unit 7. Our Solution Personified (the coming of Jesus)
Unit 8. Our Solution Purchased (the cross)
Unit 9. Our Hope Proclaimed (the resurrection and Pentecost)

The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. Discounts are also available for partner organisations.

Building on what you learn

If you take this course, we recommend also taking Reading and Understanding the Bible. Look at our full list of Foundation courses.