Christian Ethics
Written in collaboration with CARE.
This course will equip you to apply the biblical wisdom found in Christ to the thorny questions of life. Taking principles from the Bible’s whole story, this course exposes the ethical confusion of our current age, considers a framework for biblical ethics, and lands on some key elements that we must hold together as we navigate messy and complex situations in our own lives and those around us.
Christian ethics is not just about making tough decisions about right and wrong in tricky situations – although it will definitely include that. Christian ethics doesn’t just help answer the question: “what should I do in this particular situation?” It helps us think about much bigger questions, like: – What kind of way of life ought I to pursue? – What kind of person ought I to be? – How should I live wisely and well for Jesus in any and every situation? – all in the light of foundational truths about God and his world.
The course consists of these nine units:
- Ethical confusion in our world
- Biblical wisdom in Christ (1): Creation and Fall
- Biblical wisdom in Christ (2): Israel, Law and Wisdom
- Biblical wisdom in Christ (3): Fulfilment in Jesus
- A framework for biblical ethics
- Applying the framework (1): tricky ethical issues in the Bible
- Applying the framework (2): identity, gender and sexuality
- Applying the framework (3): life in the digital age
- Putting it all together
The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. Discounts are also available for partner organisations.
Whether you explore the course as an individual or a group we hope and pray that the material will enrich your personal walk with Christ and help to develop a culture of discipleship in your local church.
Building on what you learn
If you take this course, you may also be interested in Christian Discipleship and our courses on Christian Doctrine. Look at our full list of Foundation courses.