Someone opening a Bible and thinking about it, standing in the light of a crown above their head.

Reading & Understanding the Bible

Self Guided
Purchase for personal study

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This course is intended to help to help you grow in understanding, wisdom and confidence as you read and apply God’s word. Psalm 119:2 says ‘Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.’ The two halves of that verse are two sides of the same coin. When we are keeping the Lord’s statutes, knowing and understanding and obeying his word, we are seeking him with all our heart.

This module helps you to focus on how the bible intends us to approach and interact with the bible as God’s word. It will take you through three particular types of Bible text – the Epistles (or letters), the Gospels and finally the Psalms. The final section is all about how we can apply God’s word to our hearts and our lives, putting the Bible’s teaching into practice as we live godly, responsive lives that bring glory to God.


1. Reading with understanding

2. Reading wisely

3. Reading biblically

4. Understanding the epistles part 1

5. Understanding the epistles part 2

6. Understanding the gospels part 1

7. Understanding the gospels part 2

8. Understanding the Psalms

9. Application: hearing and doing

The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. Discounts are also available for partner organisations.

Crosslands has created this material to help you grow in love for Christ as believers in your local church and community context.

In making the time to study this ‘Reading and Understanding the Bible’ module, you may well have put aside many other tasks that could have filled your time. But at heart what you’re doing is devoting yourself to Jesus and to his words. And in doing that, Jesus says, you’ve chosen a very good thing.

Building on what you learn

If you take this course, you might also be interested in how the Bible affects your conversations with other Christians. We really recommend our course on Pastoral Care as a follow up to this one. If you are thinking about how the Bible fits together, dive into our Bible Overview. Look at our full list of Foundation courses.