Crosslands is committed to Safeguarding Adults in line with national legislation and relevant national and local guidelines.
Crosslands’ activities do not engage or cater for children under the age of 18, and therefore we do not have a separate child safeguarding policy or procedure. If we became aware of a child at risk we would report in line with statutory guidance.
We will safeguard adults by appointing and managing our people and delivering our activities in ways which guard against harm.
Crosslands is committed to best safeguarding practice and we uphold the rights of all adults to live a life free from harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect.
In order to ensure that the appropriate care is provided to adults with whom Crosslands have contact we recognise that adults will fall into three broad categories.

1. Adults with no additional care needs
These are adults whose needs are met by universal services. They are individuals whose needs are met by what is ordinarily in place such as health and safety legislation and codes of conduct for students and staff.
2. Adults with an identifiable additional support need.
These are adults who need some additional support with daily living, regardless of whether the need is being met. In this category support is provided on a consent basis. It is possible that from time to time Crosslands may have students who have an identifiable additional support need. If this situation occurs Crosslands would work with the individual to ensure that reasonable measures are in place to support participation.
3. Adults at risk and in need of protection
Occasionally we may encounter an adult who is in need of protection and who we have a legal duty to protect.
In line with the Care Act 2014, this policy and corresponding procedures exist to safeguard adults at risk. An adult at risk is defined as an adult who:
- has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs);
- is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect; and
- as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.
Policy Statement
- Crosslands believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status.
- Crosslands is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution.
- Crosslands acknowledges that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and is committed to prevent abuse and neglect through safeguarding the welfare of all adults involved.
- Crosslands recognises that health, well-being, ability, disability and need for care and support can affect a person’s resilience. We recognise that some people experience barriers, for example, to communication in raising concerns or seeking help. We recognise that these factors can vary at different points in people’s lives.
- Crosslands recognises that there is a legal framework in the UK within which charities need to work to safeguard adults who have needs for care and support and for protecting those who are unable to take action to protect themselves and will act in accordance with the relevant Safeguarding Adults legislation and with local statutory safeguarding procedures.
- Actions taken by Crosslands will be consistent with the principles of adult safeguarding ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects the voice of the adult concerned.
The purpose of this policy is to outline how we will deal with safeguarding across the organisation and to ensure that everyone involved in Crosslands is aware of:
- The legislation, policy and procedures for safeguarding adults.
- Their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults.
- What to do or who to speak to if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult within the organisation.
This Safeguarding Adults policy and associated procedures apply to all individuals involved in Crosslands including Board members, Staff, Faculty and Tutors and to all concerns about the safety of adults whilst taking part in our organisation and its activities.
We expect our partner organisations and suppliers (such as visiting speakers) to demonstrate their commitment to the principles and practices set out in this Safeguarding Adults Policy and associated procedures.
This policy has been designed primarily with our Seminary programme in mind. This is a blended learning programme, combining self-managed study for most of the year and in-person participation at five seminar days and three residential intensives each year. Consequently, our approach to safeguarding is in the context that students study from home and continue to serve in their usual place of work for the duration of their studies and therefore Safeguarding responsibilities also exist with their employing organisations and local churches.
Other services provided by Crosslands are also predominantly accessed remotely with the exception of a small number of conferences. As such the same safeguarding principles apply to these services. Our intention is that good safeguarding practice will generate a healthy culture that will benefit all our stakeholders.
The majority of our students are existing and aspiring church leaders. In light of this there are basic standards that we expect from everyone. Further details of expected conduct and behavioural standards can be found within the Student Covenant and Consent form. Details of the practical application of our core beliefs, values and aims can be found within the Crosslands Statement of Faith, Aims and Ethos. All employees, contractors and delivery partners are required to uphold and promote the terms of this Statement in the course of carrying out their role with Crosslands.
The vast majority of students and staff are adults with no additional care needs. We are committed to enabling strong relationships with local tutors and a small peer group of other students, and we encourage regular open conversations with student-nominated mentors. All these relationships are central to ensuring students are well supported throughout their time with Crosslands. Our programme structure and ethos avoid any sustained one-to-one contact or intensity of relationships which can more easily result in unhealthy or abusive dynamics.
It is possible that from time to time Crosslands may have students who have an identifiable additional support need. If this situation occurs Crosslands would work with the student on a case by case basis to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to support participation on our courses. Crosslands is committed to supporting individuals to participate in our programmes so far as it is practically viable. This may involve ensuring that venues used for residentials are wheelchair accessible or making allowances for someone who is visually impaired. Individuals with more severe mental health conditions such as an eating disorder or who are at risk of self-harm may also be classed as having an additional support need. In order for Crosslands to make appropriate provision for the additional need, we encourage students to disclose any known needs annually at the point of registration.
Other adults who are typically identified as having additional support needs include those who are elderly frail and those with significant learning disabilities or developmental delay. The nature of our courses means that we are unlikely to encounter adults with these support needs.
Occasionally we may encounter an adult who is at risk and in need of protection. This may include a student with suicidal thoughts or a student who as a result of a personal crisis experiences psychosis. We are committed to taking reasonable measures to support and protect these students. In the context of our commitment to partnership with the local church, this would most likely include a conversation with the student and their mentor to determine that appropriate support measures are in place within the student’s local context. It would also likely include a conversation to assess whether withdrawing from the course or deferring study would be helpful and appropriate.
In order to implement this policy, Crosslands will ensure that:
- Everyone involved with Crosslands is aware of the safeguarding adult procedures and knows what to do and who to contact if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult.
- Any concern that an adult is not safe is taken seriously, responded to promptly, and followed up in line with Crosslands’ Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures.
- The well-being of those at risk of harm will be put first and the adult actively supported to communicate their views and the outcomes they want to achieve. Those views and wishes will be respected and supported unless there are overriding reasons not to (see the Safeguarding Adults Procedures).
- Any actions taken will respect the rights and dignity of all those involved and be proportionate to the risk of harm.
- Confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored in line with our Data Protection Policy and Procedures.
- Crosslands acts in accordance with best practice advice, for example, from the Charity Commission.
- Crosslands will cooperate with the Police and the relevant Local Authorities in taking action to safeguard an adult.
- All Board members, staff, faculty and tutors understand their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults and have completed and are up to date with safeguarding adult training and learning opportunities appropriate for their role.
- Crosslands uses safe recruitment practices and continually assesses the suitability of volunteers and staff to prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals in this organisation.
- Crosslands shares information about anyone found to be a risk to adults with the appropriate bodies. For example: Disclosure and Barring Service, Services, Police, Local Authority/Social Services.
- When planning activities and events Crosslands includes an assessment of, and risk to, the safety of all adults from abuse and neglect. At an event where the Safeguarding Lead is not present, the event organiser will contact the Safeguarding Lead should a safeguarding concern arise.
- Actions taken under this policy are reviewed by the Board and Leadership team on an annual basis.
- This policy, related policies (see below) and the Safeguarding Adults Procedures are reviewed no less than on a two-yearly basis and whenever there are changes in relevant legislation and/or government guidance or as a result of any other significant change or event.
- Given that Crosslands exists to train Christians and in particular Christian Leaders, it is the expectation of Crosslands that if any of our students have an immediate concern about an individual then they will offer initial support themselves and if necessary would raise those concerns in line with the Crosslands policy and procedures, either with consent or without where appropriate.
Crosslands is committed to developing and maintaining its capability to implement this policy and procedures.
In order to do so, the following will be in place:
- A clear line of reporting and accountability within the organisation for the safety and welfare of all adults.
- Access to relevant legal and professional advice.
- Regular management reports to the Board detailing how risks to adult safeguarding are being addressed and how any reports of safeguarding concerns have been addressed.
- Safeguarding Adults procedures that set out how to deal effectively with any concerns of abuse or neglect, including those caused through poor practice.
- A Safeguarding Lead (see Appendix 1).
- A delegated Safeguarding Lead for residential events.
- Codes of conduct for Board members, Staff, Faculty and Tutors that specify zero tolerance of abuse in any form.
- Risk assessments that specifically include safeguarding of adults.
- Policies and procedures that address the following areas and which are consistent with this Safeguarding Adults policy:
- Anti-harassment and bullying
- Relationship and Reputation
- Statement of faith and ethos
- Whistle-blowing
- Risk Assessment
- Information policy, data protection and information sharing
Further Information and Useful Contacts
Policies, procedures and supporting information are available from Crosslands. Contact for more details.
Safeguarding Lead:
Name: Catherine Carvel
Contact: 07849 162717
Deputy Safeguarding Lead:
Name: Réka Goodson
Trustee Contact:
Name: Ralph Cunnington
Appendix 1 – Role Description: Safeguarding Lead