Crosslands Foundation is a set of flexible short courses to equip church members, small group leaders, interns and elders for discipleship and ministry. These online courses are designed to help disciples grow in knowledge and love of God through his word, able to serve the body of Christ and confident to reach out in mission amongst our local communities.

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Study with a group

Crosslands has created this menu of resources to support and enrich the training that local churches can provide: trusted resources for growing disciples, overseen by local leaders. We recommend studying Foundation courses with a group. For those leading groups there are tools to interact with group members, track how learners are doing, and set your own deadlines and reminders for completing steps in the course.

The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. (US price = $30 per person). Discounts are also available for partner organisations.

You can follow a recommended study plan or select courses according to your local training needs and priorities each year.

Set up my group

Study as an individual

Or, you could study as an individual, looking at the full Foundation catalogue and choosing whatever particularly interests you. The order, pace and intensity are completely flexible so you can take or run the courses you need, whenever you need them.

For personal study, you can select a course, enrol, and begin studying within minutes.

The basics

Each Foundation course involves roughly 15-20 hours of study, structured as nine units of approx 1.5-2 hours per unit. Course materials include readings, video, reflections, prompts for prayer, group discussion questions and application activities.

Crosslands’ Foundation courses are hosted on the Crosslands learning platform. You will need to create a Pathwright account by giving your name and email address. Crosslands’ Privacy Notice will explain how your personal data will be used. View Pathwright’s privacy notice.

If you’d like a snapshot of each course, a flavour of the style of our materials, and an insight into the online platform, access the Demo Course below.

Demo Course

What Foundation courses cover

Crosslands Foundation courses cover core areas of discipleship including biblical, pastoral, doctrinal, missional and leadership themes. Each course can stand alone, meaning that they can be studied in any order. We have mapped out some recommended routes that may help leaders to plan a programme of study for different groups and purposes.

New courses are being added all the time.


There is also an extended version of selected courses available. We call these Basecamp. With extra reading and written assignments, Basecamp courses are ideal for those who want to take the first step in more stretching theological and ministry formation, either as part of a short term internship or as an on-ramp to more intensive theological education such as Crosslands Seminary.

Contact us if you would like to discuss Basecamp.