Healthy Christian leaders never stop learning and growing. Crosslands Lifelong Learning is an extension programme for experienced pastors and others established in gospel ministry: food for the journey to sustain us over a lifetime of ministry.

Led by pastor-theologians and other experienced Christian leaders, these short courses will help you to keep growing in theological understanding, personal discipleship and ministry leadership as you encounter different challenges and opportunities across your lifetime in ministry. We aim to achieve that by providing rich and valuable content and by fostering and sustaining learning relationships amongst leaders.

The annual programme is designed to take participants deeper into a part of Scripture, an area of doctrine, and aspects of pastoral ministry, mission and leadership. You can sign up for a single course or opt into the full programme for a given year.

Focus Format Theme for 2025
Jan – Feb Bible 24 hr in-person intensive focusing on a single bible book or the connection between books of the bible. Preliminary work to enrich your planning and preparation for teaching or preaching. Colossians and Philemon: In Christ Alone. Led by Antony Bilington. Pre-reading, leading to an in-person intensive in Newcastle on 30 – 31 Jan 2025. Bookings closed. 
Apr – Jun Pastoral Work on an in-depth paper from a selection of options on a broad theme, with recommended reading. Finish with a seminar day (in person or on zoom) for discussion and tutor feedback. Living Well for Jesus in a Digital Age led by Nathan Weston. Reflecting on what the Bible has to say about technology, our digital culture, the world, and our place in it, and applying it to ourselves and to those in our churches.
Introductory Zoom-call late-Mar/early-Apr. Individual reading and writing April – May. Seminar day Monday 16th June 2025. Cost: £160
Sep -Oct Leadership Four 2-hour weekly workshops online. Cultivating Leadership led by Jen Charteris. A biblical worldview transforms the way we approach Christian leadership. Apply eternal truths and valuable tools to the tough realities of leadership. Four weekly online sessions, 2 hrs each, on Wednesday mornings, starting 24th September 2025. Cost:  £75
Oct – Nov Doctrine Book group format: Read a substantial work of doctrine and meet online weekly to discuss and apply it. 5+ weekday sessions (depending on length of selected book). John Webster and the doctrine of God, led by Dr Jonathan Norgate. Four weekly guided sessions, 1.5 hrs each, on Wednesday mornings, starting 5th November 2025. Cost:  £75
Jan – Feb 2026 Bible  24 hr in-person intensive focusing on a single Bible book or the connection between books of the Bible. Preliminary work to enrich your planning and preparation for teaching or preaching. Hebrews: Greater Than, led by Nathan Weston. Pre-reading, leading to an in-person intensive in Newcastle on 29-30th Jan 2026. Booking not yet open. 
Year round Hot topics Typically 1-hour lunchtime sessions on Zoom. One off seminars on specialist subjects:  “Every pastor needs to know…”, “How do they do that?”, Book Reviews, etc.


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