Gospel Relationships
Discover how the gospel transforms relationships and how you can be freed to serve and love others with gospel intentionality.
Relationships are fundamental to our identity, yet they are fraught with difficulty, fear, conflict and uncertainty. Coming to Christ puts us automatically into relationship with a community of his people. The gospel transforms all our relationships, enabling them to fulfil their purpose and design. It resolves conflict, and gives new purpose to every role that you may play.
The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. Discounts are also available for partner organisations.
This course on Gospel Relationships has two aims:
1. to equip you to relate to other people well in the different roles you have
2. to equip you to work out for yourself how the gospel shapes different aspects of our lives
Gospel Relationships is a course that will help you develop “a gospel mindset” that you can apply to each new relational challenge you face or each new responsibility you have. We will think about six perspectives that add up to a gospel mindset and then practise applying them to different kinds of relationship – whether that’s in singleness or in marriage, in parenting or in friendship, in work or in retirement.
This course also helps us think through the causes of relational difficulty, and how to tackle them from a gospel perspective. Most of all, the course is full of grace, knowing that we all struggle with relational brokenness, and that God is more than able to use us in relationship despite that.
You’ll cover:
- Perspectives: the story of redemption
- Perspectives: the true nature of authority and the heart of our problems
- Perspectives: the centrality of the cross
- Perspectives: the support of the church and the light of eternity
- Relationships: marriage and singleness
- Relationships: parenting and friendship
- Relationships: work and retirement
- Problems: anger and conflict
- Problems: fear and pride
You can take this course as part of a group or on your own, working at a pace that suits you.
Building on what you learn
If you take this course, you might also enjoy Christian Ethics and Pastoral Care. Look at our full list of Foundation courses.