Three people from different contexts joining together in an intercultural church, which a cross over the top.

Intercultural Church

Self Guided
Purchase for personal study

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The story of the Bible and the church, indeed the whole world, ends with a multicultural multitude united in the worship of Jesus. A hundred years ago this was something completely outside the experience of most Christians. Today it is possible for people from different cultures to come together on a Sunday morning and be united in their worship of Jesus: a foretaste of heaven in your local church!

Creating an intercultural church can seem daunting. But the hard work has been done by Christ as the cross. Intercultural church is the fruit of the work of Christ.

This course is both accessibly theological and deeply practical. Work through key passages of scripture, testimonies and other learning activities to help you develop a rich biblical vision of gospel community embracing and engaging many different cultures. Then work through how this applies in your own local context, helping you grow in confidence to love and reach the people God has placed in your life and community.

Ideal for group study, this course is also suitable for individual study.


1. It’s a great time to be alive
2. Making friends
3. Making sense of culture
4. For the sake of the gospel
5. The elephant in the room
6. Sharing the gospel
7. Welcoming the nations
8. Connecting to the world
9. Keeping going

The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. Discounts are also available for partner organisations.

Building on what you learn

If you enjoy this course, you might also be interested in our Foundation course on Evangelism. If you’re a leader, it might also be useful to dive into our Ministry Philosophy module. Look at our full list of Foundation courses.