Someone looking to take a route through a jumble of roads, and consulting his map (scripture).

Ministry Philosophy

Self Guided
Purchase for personal study

Apply as a Study Group

Explore what a gospel-centred, missionally-focused philosophy of local church ministry looks like in your context, and identify what the priorities or next steps are for you at this point in time.

You probably already have a ‘philosophy of ministry’, even if you’ve never heard the term before. You have a set of assumptions about how ministry should be done; both your personal ministry and the ministry of your church. The aim of this course is to make this approach explicit, test it against the word of God and ensure you have a shared philosophy among your leadership. At the same time, the course allows you to identify a philosophy of ministry that reflects your current church community, your missional context, and your theological or denominational distinctives. Designed to be taken together as a leadership team.


  1. Gospel
  2. Word and Prayer
  3. Grace
  4. Mission
  5. Community
  6. Worship
  7. Disciple-making
  8. Children
  9. Culture-formation

The normal price is £24 for an individual, and £18 for a member of a group of at least 3. Discounts are also available for partner organisations.



Building on what you learn

If you’re a church leader, you may also be interested in our course on Biblical Eldership, and in our course on Teaching and Preaching the Bible. Look at our full list of Foundation courses.