Crosslands Seminary exists to provide in-context theological training and ministry formation for church planters, aspiring church leaders, specialist ministry leaders or those in other vocations who want to invest in theological education to shape their lives and leadership. The programme aims to give students a good understanding of key theological concepts along with their pastoral and missional implications, being equipped to lead others in the Christian life.

Schedule a conversation with Catherine Carvel, our Seminary Programme Director, to discuss any questions you may have.

The Seminary programme is open for applications for a September 2025 start.

  • Applications for our September 2025 intake will close in June 2025.
  • Applications for our January 2026 intake will close in December 2025.

To sign up for updates, join our newsletter.

Contact or apply

As well as receiving excellent theological training, Crosslands Seminary students can:

  • Keep on living and serving in their local church
  • Fit in weekly study flexibly alongside family, church and work-life
  • Enjoy being part of a diverse learning community
  • Benefit from the teaching of gospel-hearted pastor-theologians
  • Flourish with the support of a pastorally experienced tutor.

The Crosslands Certificate can be taken as a stand-alone three-year programme or as the core of a four-year Masters degree. It is also possible to study for just one or two years.

Crosslands Seminary is deliberately designed to be taken over a longer lapsed time than other comparable programmes. Rather than encouraging students to hurry through theological training, the slower pace of 10-12 hours per week over 3-4 years means that students have time to absorb and apply learning – shaping all of life and helping students to develop sustainable study habits and become lifelong learners.

This 6-minute video will walk you through what studying with Crosslands Seminary looks like in practice:

What it covers

Each year students will study four modules covering Biblical, Pastoral, Doctrinal and Missional topics. The first three years are run as a rolling curriculum for all students. Students taking the accredited option will have a fourth year of study to complete the full Masters’ curriculum.

Biblical Pastoral Doctrine Mission
Year A
(2023 – 24)
New Testament Introduction Pastoral Ministry God, Humanity & Christ Evangelism & Apologetics
Year B
(2024 -25)
Old Testament Introduction Dynamics of Spiritual Growth Salvation, the Church & Eschatology Culture & Context
Year C
(2025 -26)
Introduction to Biblical Theology Bible Exposition Doctrine in Historical Perspective Ministry Development and Church Planting or Specialist Elective
Final Year (Year D) Advanced Biblical Studies Biblical Counselling (SEBTS) Christian Leadership (with specialist electives) Great Commission Studies (SEBTS)

How it works

The Crosslands Seminary programme is designed as a blended learning programme, combining the best of self-managed study and in-person participation. Whilst the week-to-week study pattern is completely flexible to suit students’ work schedules, our standards are high and the course completion requirements are robust. Students enrolling on the Seminary programme embark on a structured and rigorous programme of study that involves weekly completion deadlines, graded assignments, and participation in scheduled seminar days and teaching intensives.

Teaching Intensives

Modules are introduced and closed out with intensive teaching sessions, which normally take place in a residential setting (virtual participation is possible by exception).

  • Autumn (5 days)
  • Winter (2 days)
  • Summer (5 days)

These intensives are also a great time for relationships, prayer, reflection and conversation. Dates for intensives are known well in advance and participation is an essential course completion requirement.

Tutor Group

Students are allocated to small tutor groups (5-7 students per group), overseen by a tutor. Tutor groups are a vital part of our learning community, with students building close relationships and learning to encourage one another whilst being stretched in their learning and application by tutors who are experienced in ministry, not simply academics. Tutor groups meet with their tutors five times per year as well as interacting remotely every week and spending time praying and relaxing together during intensives.

Weekly Study

Every week (for 36 weeks of the year) there is set reading, reflection and application work. Students will need to be able to set aside 10-12 hours per week for this study.

Most weeks students are required to share responses to a summary discussion question with their tutor and tutor group, demonstrating understanding and application of the work covered during the week. There are specific deadlines for completing each week’s work, helping to ensure that students stay on track.

Assignments and Seminar days

Each of the four modules across the year include an interim and a final assignment. These assignments form the main element of assessment towards course completion and grades.

The reading and writing time for completing these assignments is set aside as part of the weekly study hours in the relevant weeks. For the first interim assignment (biblical module) and all the final assignments, students will also meet up as a tutor group to present and discuss assignments with other students, under the leadership of their tutor.

Mentoring in the local church (or specialist ministry)

We expect all our Seminary students to be involved with a local church and to study with the active support of the local leadership. We want Crosslands study to be strongly connected back into local ministry (whether as a member of a church staff team or in a voluntary or other ministry role). Most importantly, our hope is that the learning will be working through into students’ lives, affecting their head, hearts and hands.

However, we don’t have regular visibility of students’ lives and everyday ministry situations. We are therefore keen for each student to have an identified mentor throughout their time with Crosslands – a leader in their local church (or someone with relevant ministry experience if the student is working in some other ministry context) who can confirm the applicant’s active local church involvement and suitability for study as part of the application process, and who will meet with them regularly for reflection and application throughout their ongoing study.

Specialist Tracks

In addition to our core seminary programme, there are options to enrol in the course as part of a specialist track.

Admissions Requirements

Crosslands Certificate
Prospective students enrolling on the core Certificate programme should normally have the equivalent of two ‘A’ levels. Other qualifications and experience may also be acceptable. Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss this further.

MA in Christian Ministry
The MA in Christian Ministry can be thought of as a ‘3+1’ years’ programme, where the core of the MA programme is virtually identical to the three year Crosslands Certificate, with an additional year which results in being able to achieve MA credit for the full programme.

Those students who already have a prior degree (in any subject) may enrol on the MA programme from the outset. Students who opt to register on the MA programme from the start would benefit from being able to access resources such as SEBTS extensive online library as well as spreading the cost of the MA more evenly over four years of study.

Applicants who don’t have a prior degree may also be admitted onto the MA at a later stage if they are able to demonstrate that they can achieve the necessary academic standards during study on the Crosslands Certificate Seminary Programme (by achieving strong grades and meeting other participation and completion requirements). Enrolment as an MA candidate for students without a prior degree may happen as early as the start of the second year or as late as the end of their third year.


Programme fees cover the cost of tuition, accreditation (where applicable) and accommodation at the autumn and summer residential intensives.

They do not include accommodation at the annual winter conference, any travelling expenses for seminar days or residential intensives, or the cost of any set texts that students are required to buy.

Crosslands is not currently able to offer any scholarships or funding grants; however, we can provide a fundraising pack to help students raise support, on request. Please contact us if this would be helpful.

Course Fees 2024/25 Duration Sterling Euros
Crosslands Certificate 3 years £3,200 per year €3,700
MA Conversion (after Certificate-only completion) 1 year £7,600 €8,900
Integrated MA in Christian Ministry 4 years £4,300 per year €5,000

Note 1:  The total cost of Certificate + MA Conversion is the same as the full four-year MA programme.
Note 2:  Students granted an exemption to participate in our Virtual Hub (exemption can be requested during the application process) are eligible for a £300pa/ €350pa discount on fees.
Note 3:  Crosslands reserves the right to increase fees annually if it proves necessary to reflect increases in inflation and other factors which impact the cost of programme delivery. We do not increase fees by default (indeed we have avoided fee increases in most recent years). We work hard to keep costs low in order to keep course fees as affordable as possible.
Note 4:  A £50 application fee is payable upon application. Fees can be paid: in full before the start of the academic year, biannually, or in quarterly or monthly instalments.

Please get in touch if you’d like to explore joining our Seminary course.